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在土地征用案件中,土地所有人从裁决中获得的金额被称为公正赔偿. 作为纳税人,你觉得这听起来公平吗土地所有人从州政府获得的补偿金额由土地所有人的朋友决定, 或者是土地所有者的商业伙伴?[1]  There exists in Virginia’s eminent domain code a procedure by which that can happen, 作为佣金的一部分.


在弗吉尼亚州的土地征用权案件中,土地所有人可以有三种不同的选择,由谁来决定公正赔偿的数额, 如下:

    1. 巡回法院法官;

    2. a jury comprised of people who also own l和 in the jurisdiction in which the case is being tried, also known as a condemnation jury; or

    3. 一个委员会,其成员被称为委员.[2]


委员们 must also be property owners who reside in the jurisdiction where the case is pending.[3]  根据弗吉尼亚州的规定,可以从两种方式中选择一种. 代码25.1-227.2 .土地征用权诉讼各方可商定五名或九名有资格担任专员的人, 如第25条B款所规定.1-227.1.

    A. If the parties cannot agree upon five or nine qualified persons to act as commissioners, 然后 each party shall present to the court a list containing the names of at least eight qualified persons. 如任何一方未能提交上述名单, 法院可以, 在其自由裁量权, 代表该方提交该清单.

    B. 根据B分款提交的清单, the court shall select the names of thirteen potential commissioners 和 at least two alternates. At least 30 days prior to their service, such persons shall be summoned to appear.

    C. 如果选出九个合格的人, 请愿人和业主各有两次强制异议,其余五人担任委员. 如按A款规定商定五名合格人员, 他们应当担任委员.

    D. 如果业主没有提交答辩书, 法院发现业主没有律师代表, 法院可以, 在其自由裁量权, 并受制于请愿人质疑理由的权利, 传唤五人担任委员.

That is the full extent of the statutory explanation of how commissioners are empaneled, 这留下了很多未解之谜.

例如, if the parties or their counsel are to turn in these lists of potential commissioners, 当事人或他们的律师可以联系潜在的专员吗? In Va.-W. 电力有限公司. v. 克辛格, 122 Va. 135, 146-47 (1917), the court took up the issue of counsel notifying the commissioners that they had been appointed, 并表示

[W]我们认为,在定罪程序中,律师在案件中通知专员其任命的做法应该停止. 律师不应该被置于这种地位,也不应该把自己置于这种地位.  这是一个很难填补的绝对缺乏的表达,可能有或似乎有一个别有用心的目的或效果,诱导一个特殊的感觉偏爱的专员对律师进行沟通和他的客户, 尤其是当交流是口头的时候, 只有在书面形式下,这种影响才会小一些.  他们的任命通知和确定的视察日期, 应该传达给专员吗,  (或被授权行动的最少人数), 如果只有这么多人愿意行动的话), 由书记员或其他无利害关系的人, as the order of court may specially direct by consent of all parties to the case, or, 在没有这种同意的情况下, 由县治安官或在进行诉讼的法庭上的市治安官或警长送交专员的命令的核证副本.

In 可能v. 克罗克特, 202 Va. 438(1961)法院对一名潜在的专员进行了打击,因为他拥有毗邻的财产,因此对该财产有经济利益, 但法院也指出,他曾与死刑犯接触并担任专员的事实是进一步打击他的证据.

In 英联邦透明. 通讯或v. 杜瓦尔, 238 Va. 679 (1989), 法院明确表示,当事各方不得就此案与潜在的专员进行沟通,任何沟通都不得进行, 无论是否出于不当目的, 会导致局长被打吗.  在口头审查期间, one of the prospective commissioners testified that before he was summoned as a commissioner, one of the l和owner’s attorneys asked him if he “would be willing to serve as Commissioner in a l和 dispute. 就说了这么多.土地所有者辩称,允许各方向法院提交潜在专员名单的法律变更“将专员的选择过程交给了谴责各方。.“法院不同意,并表示,

法令将[两党]的作用限制在提名委员.  If the legislature had intended the parties to contact prospective nominees before submitting their names, 因此修改了我们在 克罗克特克辛格,我们相信它会明确地这样做.  Although the record discloses nothing improper beyond mere contact by counsel, 的原因 克罗克特, 和 because any such contact by any party or his representative presents the possibility of abuse, we conclude that the contact should have resulted in Savage's disqualification for cause.

因此, 似乎当事各方及其律师仅限于提供姓名,而将其他问题留给法院.  他们无法联系到他们推荐的人, 更不用说和他们讨论案件或征用权了.

Whether or not to strike a commissioner is in the discretion of the trial court. The Virginia Supreme Court has provided various general language over the years for this process, 下面列举了其中一些, 主要来自 可能v. 克罗克特, 202 Va. 438, 440-41, 117 S.E.2d 648, 649-50(1961)和 英联邦透明. 通讯或v. 卡罗尔, 254 Va. 302, 305, 491 S.E.2d 723, 725 (1997).

The maintenance of public confidence in the integrity of reports of commissioners, acting under the statute in the assessment of damages in condemnation proceedings, who are in truth in effect performing the duties of a jury in an ad quod damnum proceeding, is of such importance that the same rule applicable to juries should be applied; 和 such reports should be kept free from the suspicion that the commissioners may have been improperly influenced.


“征用权是一项高度特权,其行使的规定方法必须仔细遵守. 裁判员的裁决非常重要,重要的是他们的判断不受双方关系或其他无关事项的影响.”

可能v. 克罗克特, 202 Va. 438, 440-41, 117 S.E.2d 648, 649-50(1961)(内部引用省略).

委员们必须“正直而有能力,……没有偏见或偏见。." 公路委员会主席. 弗莱彻, 153 Va. 43, 46-47, 149 S.E. 456, 457 (1929). 委员们, 像陪审团一样, 听取证据, 评估证人的可信度, 和 make factual determinations in ascertaining the proper award due the l和owner. 英联邦透明. 英联邦v. 汤普森, 249 Va. 292, 295, 455 S.E.2d 206, 207 (1995).

维持公众对定罪程序的诚信有信心, the selection of condemnation commissioners is subject to the same rule applicable to the selection of jurors, 即, that any person who may be improperly influenced in the proceedings must be stricken for cause from the panel. 参见可能v. 克罗克特, 202 Va. 438, 440-41, 117 S.E.2d 648, 649-50 (1961). 初审法院被赋予自由裁量权,以决定未来的专员是否应因此受到惩罚. 国家公路和运输局. 通讯或v. 高秤, 231 Va. 239, 243, 343 S.E.2d 324, 327 (1986). 根据其自由裁量权, 初审法院必须作出裁决, 除此之外, 是否有任何陪审团成员的经济利益与审判中的问题密切相关,以至于他们不能对案件漠不关心. Id.

英联邦透明. 通讯或v. 卡罗尔, 254 Va. 302, 305, 491 S.E.2d 723, 725 (1997).


然而, 一旦我们考察了弗吉尼亚州的专员们为什么受到或没有受到罢工的具体案例,上面的一般语言似乎比任何东西都更有抱负. 委员们被解雇的原因是, 在其他事物之外,原因如下:

  1. Where l和owner entertained the commissioners 和 privately discussed his financial condition. Va.-W. 电力有限公司. v. 克辛格, 122 Va. 135, 147, 94 S.E. 186, 190 (1917);
  1. 地主招待委员的地方. 格里芬v. 汤姆林森, 155 Va. 150, 151, 154 S.E. 483, 483 (1930);
  1. 是否曾聘请一名专员评估物业. 柯林斯v. 斧哭., 201 Va. 164, 171, 110 S.E.2d 184, 189 (1959);
  1. Where several commissioners read a newspaper article describing negotiations made to buy the property, 包括市政府提供的金额. 齐格弗里德五世. 夏洛茨维尔, 206 Va. 271, 277, 142 S.E.2d 556, 560 (1965);
  1. Where one commissioner was in his own fight with VDOT over property valuation. 英联邦透明. 通讯或v. 杜瓦尔, 238 Va. 679, 686 (1989);
  1. Where the l和owner’s attorney had a “mere” contact with a commissioner before trial, id.;
  1. 局长拥有两幅待迁地,而他的其中一幅地在同一工程项目上已被迁地. 五月 v. 克罗克特, 202 Va. 438, 117 S.E.2d 648 (1961);
  1. 如果专员是土地所有人的律师的客户,并且在之前的一次定罪中使用了土地所有人的估价师. 弗吉尼亚市. 海滩v. 大广场购物中心. Co., 255 Va. 467, 472 (1998); 和
  1. Where the proposed commissioner owned property in very close proximity to the l和 taken. 英联邦透明. 通讯或v. 卡罗尔, 254 Va. 302, 306, 491 S.E.2d 723, 725 (1997).

相反,法院拒绝罢工委员, 在其他事物之外,原因如下:

  1. 比赛. Batson challenges apply to the selection of commissioners in eminent domain cases, 巴特森案既可以由土地所有者提出也可以由被告提出. 参见Commonwealth transport. 通讯或v. 汤普森, 249 Va. 292, 295 n.*, 455 S.E.2d 206, 207(1995)(“我们简单地认为,土地所有者关于运输专员缺乏主张巴特森动议的资格的论点没有任何道理.”).
  1. Where the commissioners had certain business relationships with the l和owner’s expert witness. 国家高速公路 & 透明. Com. v. 枢机地产有限公司., 232 Va. 434, 440 (1986);
  1. Where the commissioner had an “ongoing” business relationship with a party (performed utility work). 红衣主教,上;
  1. Where prospective commissioner had sold the l和owner some personal insurance policies before the taking. 国家高速公路和跨. Commr. v. 高秤, 231 Va. 239, 343 S.E.2d 324 (1986);
  1. Where prospective commissioner had done some construction work for the l和owner three years before the taking. 国家高速公路和跨. Commr. v. 高秤, 231 Va. 在23,343 S.E.2d在327.
  1. 委员是被谴责业务的客户(银行). 第一银行 & Tr. Co. v. 英联邦透明. 通讯或, 263 Va. 451, 456 (2002);
  1. 哪里的专员是地主的牧师和朋友. 国家高速公路 & 透明. 通讯或v. 加兰, 223 Va. 701, 705 (1982);
  1. Where commissioners ate lunch with the l和owner in a busy restaurant where no other tables were available. 英联邦透明. 通讯或v. 分支, 16 Va. 圆形的. 切斯特菲尔德市. Ct. 1989).
  1. 在何处专员证明他与土地拥有人都是某行业协会的积极成员,而该土地拥有人是该行业协会的受薪兼职雇员. 公路专员. 麦金太尔, 16 Va. 圆形的. 428,431(克拉克县法院. Ct. 1973).

法规和这些案例远没有提供谁可以和不能担任专员的全面描述.  这是一个复杂的问题,通常会导致审判无效, 和 therefore condemning authorities rely of the experience of eminent domain counsel for guidance.  澳门亚洲博彩平台排名 & 科沃德代表州政府机构, 市, 交通部门, 公用事业公司, 和 right-of-way consultants in the acquisition of right-of-way 和 other property for infrastructure projects. 我们为我们的客户提供有关拆迁诉讼的各个方面的建议,从拆迁前的规划到最终的解决方案, 无论是通过自愿收购还是诉讼. Our top priority is to help our clients identify 和 eliminate issues which could drive up project costs.

罗斯·格林是彭德尔人 & 科沃德股东兼土地征用业务小组主席.  他的执业重点是征用权领域, 房地产, 遗嘱, 信托基金, 地产, 商业事务.

[1] 作为美国.S. 最高法院在1897年写道, “《亚洲博彩平台排名》要求给予土地所有人的公正补偿,应以征用给他造成的损失来衡量. He is entitled to receive the value of what he has been deprived of, 和 no more. To award him less would be unjust to him; to award him more would be unjust to the public.” 鲍曼v. 罗斯, 167 U.S. 548, 574, 17 S. Ct. 966, 976 (U.S. 1897).

[2] Va. 法典第25条.1-220 (“The issue of just compensation shall be determined by a commission or a jury, 根据§25的规定,船东及时作出选择.1-213. 然而, by agreement of the petitioner 和 all the parties who are sui juris that have appeared or responded, or, 如果没有业主在适当的通知下出现或回应, 或已提交答辩和辩护理由,但未能选择由专员或陪审团作出公正赔偿的决定, 然后, 根据请愿人的动议, 公正赔偿的问题可以由法院裁决.”).

[3] Va. 法典第25条.1-227.1(B)(“所有委员均应为无利害关系的自由人,以及该财产或该财产的大部分所在县或市的居民. No person shall serve as a commissioner for more than one full week within any three-month period, 除非双方同意.”).  

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