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Protection From Day One: The Importance of Employee Handbooks - February 2016


杰弗里·D. 威尔逊:在我法学院的第二年, one of my classmates was hired for a summer position by a prominent law firm. 就在她新工作开始的前几天, 她不好意思地走近我问, “当我开始工作时会发生什么?当我问她是什么意思时, she replied, “第一天, 我到办公室后会发生什么? 我有桌子吗? 他们有办公用品吗? 有人能告诉我我在做什么吗?” It was...

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Recovery of Attorney's Fees and Costs in Virginia Civil Actions - 2016年1月


作者:Michael E. Ornoff先生.Litigants in civil lawsuits frequently ask if they will recover their attorney’s fees and costs if they win a civil suit which they initiate or which has been brought against them. 它们是可恢复的, potential liability for such fees and costs can become a consideration as important as the amount of the underlying claim in balancing the risks versus benefits in initiating the action and in assessing whether to settle a...

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在弗吉尼亚州的团队协议:他们是可执行的吗? - 2016年1月


Teaming agreements are widely used in Virginia and elsewhere by prime contractors and subcontractors who regularly deal with federal, state and local governments for the provision of services, construction and other things to meet the needs of these public bodies. Therefore, it is essential that prime contractors and subcontractors are aware of Virginia legal statutes regarding the enforceability of teaming agreements and understand many of the Virginia...

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Property Settlement Agreements: Balancing the Special Fiduciary Relationship Between Spouses and “Fairness” - December 2015


When dealing with a property settlement agreement between spouses going through a separation or divorce, 这很容易假设, 像很多合同一样, 当协议签署的时候, 这是板上钉钉的事.” However, Virginia courts have addressed numerous instances in which one party has claimed their spouse committed fraud to induce them into signing an agreement or that the agreement was “unconscionable.“这只是我们建议采取行动的众多原因之一...

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Divorce: Are Assets with No Value Subject to Equitable Distribution? ——2015年11月


In Virginia, courts divide marital assets between parties (Code Ann. § 20–107.3, Michie, 2012) after analyzing evidence to determine whether the property is separate, 婚姻的或两者的混合. 在大多数情况下,这很容易确定.法院然后确定资产的价值, 在许多情况下,哪些是双方可以约定的. If not, 他们被提供作为证据, often resulting in disagreements between the representatives of each...

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环境法律 and the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act: Where Local Knowledge is a “Must” - October 2015


by James T. 住在水上可以看到美丽的景色, opportunities for boating and fishing and other amenities, all of which come with a (sometimes hidden) cost because the waterfront is subject to a complicated web of environmental laws and regulations. Among these, the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act (found at Virginia code §§ 62.1-44.15:67 to 62.1-44.15:79) is unique in that it is a creature of local government, with minimal state oversight,...

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How Citizens' 环境法律suits Can Stop Pollution - September 2015


by James T. LangThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”) have primary responsibility for enforcing the environmental laws and regulations in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 有些时候, however, when the EPA or the DEQ are unwilling or unable to take action against a polluter who is contaminating water, 违反环境法的空中或陆地. 有时政府做不到...

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Eminent Domain: From Biblical Times to the Present - September 2015


by D. Rossen S. GreeneI: A Brief History of Eminent Domain:A French jurist of the early 19th century, 梅林·德·杜埃, claimed that the earliest known reference to the use of eminent domain is in the Old Testament in the Book of Kings, which describes the acquisition of Naboth’s vineyard by King Ahab: “And Ahab spake unto Naboth, saying, 把你的葡萄园给我, 这样我就可以把它当作菜园了, 因为与我的殿相近,我必赐给你...

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沿海移民仍在继续, Waterfront Property Owners Encounter Complicated and Costly Environmental Regulations - September 2015


by James T. LangWaterfront property owners in Hampton Roads are privileged to enjoy the ambiance and a fantastic view, in addition to a highly valuable set of riparian property rights.[1]然而,这些好处是有代价的. Waterfront owners must be prepared to carry the expense of operating their properties in compliance with a multi-faceted and complicated web of federal, state and local legal environmental requirements designed for and specifically...

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The Department of Labor’s Proposed Overtime Changes - August 2015


杰弗里·D. WilsonMany employers rightfully view the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) as a minefield, 而且,它可能很快就会变得更加危险. The FLSA requires employers to pay their employees one-and-a-half times their regular pay rate for any hours worked in excess of 40 a week. However, Sections 13(a)(1) and (17) provide exceptions for bona fide executive, 行政, 专业, 外销售, and...

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